Smart Fog Inc announced this week, the 2013 model of Smart Fog’s fully-automated and energy efficient ES100 direct-space humidifier reduces the angel’s share caused by low relative humidity. It is the perfect solution for all winery humidification applications.
As the heat of the summer approaches, wine makers and suppliers must deal with the constant challenge of keeping their wine barrels at an optimum level of relative humidity. The 2013 model of the ES100 is an intelligent, plug-and-play, and maintenance-free winery humidification system that takes the worry out of storing wine while reducing the angel’s share.
Smart Fog Inc manufactures non-wetting industrial and commercial humidification systems for a variety of uses. For more than 30 years they have provided a wide range of storage industries with off-the-shelf and customized humidification solutions that are manufactured in the USA.
The latest model of the ES100 provides reliable, non-wetting humidity control that can cut wine loss to evaporation by more than 50% and reduce the need for topping. By using proprietary algorithms, the system automatically adjusts itself to maintain the desired level of relative humidity. The ES100 maintains a consistent level of high humidity without moisture forming on barrels because it is able to create a “dry fog” of water droplets that are only 4.2 microns in diameter. These droplets evaporate instantly so barrels stay dry and mold free.
The system is also simple to install and operate. Whether wall-mounted or mounted into air ducts, the ES100 features intelligent sensors with temperature compensation abilities that sustain the relative humidity in the wine’s storage environment at precise levels. Its user-friendly control panel lets operators set it then forget it.
Because the ES100 has no moving parts it is virtually maintenance free, only requiring a filter change every two years. Operating without pumps, drains, or fans the system is also energy efficient and will not raise utility costs when used continuously.
To learn more about the 2013 model of the ES100, contact Smart Fog to request a free quote. Their team of experts is available to assist you with choosing the most economical solution for your winery humidification needs.
About Smart Fog Inc
Smart Fog, Inc. is the world leader in industrial and commercial humidification systems. For more than 30 years, Smart Fog has continued to provide the most advanced energy and water-efficient humidification solutions in the industry. Through both knowledge and experience, Smart Fog always delivers the right humidification system for every application.
Contact Person: Ido Goldstein
Email:Send Email
Phone: 1(775) 624-9020
Country: United States
Website: http://www.smartfog.com/
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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