What are the characteristics of a reader? Perhaps one can say that a reader is a book lover and own hundreds of published works already. That is well and good. After all, reading is a great way to learn. Readers are well-traveled people even if they do not get to ride an airplane a lot for the simple reason that their books have brought them to many different places. Readers are very articulate because they learn words that people often do not use. Readers are broadminded because they are exposed to the thinking of different peoples and cultures. Readers are smart because they recognize that there is so much in this world to learn and they are taking every opportunity to gain as much knowledge as they possibly can.
The thing is, books do have limitations. Maybe people do not feel encouraged to read because they can be heavy and bulky. Storage can also be a big problem. Plus, just imagine how many trees are cut down annually because books are made of paper and paper comes from trees. At the end of the day, it is not the most environmentally friendly thing in the world.
It is a good thing that books these days are no longer confined to paperbacks and hard bound covers. Readers can read straight from their iPads, mobile phones such as the iPhone and the Blackberry and any other android supported device. So why haven’t all readers made the switch from traditional books to these devices that they can use to read? It is the same text after all.
Well, one common complaint is the fact that reading through techie items is just far too different from reading an actual book. There is a sense of tranquility and peace that one can derive from the action of flipping a page. After all, that is something that we have been doing since childhood. Well, with eFlip Standard, flipping a page from an iPhone or a Blackberry almost feels like flipping an actual page of a book. Isn’t that great?
Think about it, now readers no longer have to shy away from eBooks because they are almost like reading an actual book made out of paper. In a sense, it is even better because it is possible to keep several books in one gadget. That way, travelling is made simpler and more hassle free as lugging heavy and bulky books around are no longer necessary. With just an iPad, a reader can satisfy his or her desire.
It is the greener and environment friendly option as well. Think about it, no more trees have to be cut down to produce paper for books. All that is needed is a tablet and it can still effectively whisk the wonderful imagination of readers off a totally different place and time. With the flipping motion made by eFlip Standard, it is the closest thing that one can get from the satisfaction derived from actual book reading.
Know more about eFlip Standard, visit: http://www.pageflippdf.com/pageflip-pdf-to-flash/
Company Name: PageFlipPDF.com (eFlip Software Co., Ltd)Contact Person: Lailie Tan
Email:Send Email
Phone: 020-85530201
City: Guangzhou
State: Guangdong
Country: China
Website: http://www.pageflippdf.com/pageflip-pdf-to-flash/
Source: www.abnewswire.com
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