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Friday, June 14, 2013

Global Bridge Holdings Is Now Offering Help With Mortgages and Foreclosures

Global Bridge Holdings is now offering help with mortgages and foreclosures for victims of financial crisis. These services are expected to help individuals to reacquire their wealth.

The reputation of the major banks has taken a severe hammering in the wake of the global financial crisis. Banks were once seen as respectable and trustworthy institutions that had the interests of their customers at heart. Following the revelations of major scandals and the unsavory practices that banks engaged in, that image is justifiably in tatters.

The banks were always keen to make sure that people who opened accounts with them had to abide strictly by the rules. Millions of people in the U.S. and around the world were dismayed to discover that the very same banks were happy to ignore the rules themselves.

Systematic overcharging of clients was endemic throughout the banking sector. The banks were also unethically selling products and services to customers who did not want or need them. Anybody who has taken out a loan or a mortgage, especially if they are threatened with foreclosure, would be well advised to talk to companies like discount Global Bridge Holdings in Tampa.

These companies are expert at analyzing how the banks have managed the customers' accounts. They can provide forensic services to discover mis-sold products, or overcharging on interest and administration fees. Most of them will provide services that will not charge an upfront fee. Instead, they will take a percentage of any proceeds they recover from the financial institution. They give ordinary people the chance to fight back against the big institutions.

Company Name: Abraham Enterprises
Contact Person: David Abraham
Email:Send Email
Phone: 800-351-5976
Country: United States
Website: Global Bridge Holdings Is Now Offering Help With Mortgages and Foreclosures