The internet has presented people with various different money making opportunities that allows them to use simple marketing techniques to make money online while sitting at home. Even though there are a lot of opportunities, not all are equal some offer real money while others can be scams, thus it is best for people to first make sure that they find a legitimate online money making opportunity. is one of the best Pay Per Download website out there, that allows people to start making real money by becoming a member of, uploading files, sharing them with others and getting paid whenever people complete an offer to download the file.
The thing that makes better than all other Pay Per Download websites are the highest payouts in the industry. Their highly sophisticated and efficient system combined with their dedicated team along with their advertisers are working around the clock to find new advertisements to ensure that users are earning the most money in the industry. This particular Pay Per Download website does not stop at offering its users the biggest payouts but also equips them with the best user support that is a friendly, 24/7 online support which is ready to answer all questions or problems about the services and offers. The advantages of joining do not end there, for the ease of their users this website also provides users with exclusive tools that they would require to make money.
These exclusive tools include file locker, link locker and their gateway system and an ultimate uploading system that works very well with multi-uploads. Furthermore members also have access to powerful analytics tools which will help them keep track of their individual file earnings and traffic statistics with country breakdown, clicks, conversions, EPC and others. This will allow members to gauge their success and work out better strategies and plans to bring more traffic and subsequently more downloads so they can earn even more money. allows its members to upload more than one file, thus each user on the PureBits network has 500 MB. At first members get 10 megabytes for a single file but after successful lead activity in that account, the limit is increased to a maximum of 50 MB.
People can also visit PPD discussion forum to learn more about what is offering, the ultimate guide to PPD and discuss their success with other members.
The best online money making opportunity using Pay Per Download is finally here and is ready for people to make the best of it, to learn more and seize this opportunity please visit:
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