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Monday, December 23, 2013

Top Ten Social Media Has Selected The Top Ten Social Media ROI Infographics

As of late the internet has emerged as one of the most important and dynamic medium for marketing and advertising a business or a product and it would not be wrong to approximate that Internet as a medium is unlike any other media there has been in the past. Marketing and advertising on the internet has its own set of different strategies and methodologies. The old methods of targeting and assessing customer have almost been rendered useless because of the unique active nature of Internet as a medium. The social networking platforms, networks and communities usually occupy the center stage in any marketer’s online marketing activities.

Online marketers and business owners devote a lot of time, effort and money as investment on social media marketing, the assessment of the return of all the investment is also important. Top Ten Social Media has selected and compiled a list of the Top Ten Social Media ROI Infographics, the list has been created to help online marketers have a better understanding of the right way of measuring the success or its lack in social media marketing.

This informative article articulates:

“Social media alters the playing field. A news agency might post an article about one of your products or services, but the real story often occurs in the comment boxes. If the article attracts enough discourse, a number of people will tweet it, like it, pin it or G+ it. This does not immediately translate into sales, but it does put your brand on the social recognition map. Therefore, if a social media manager needed a concrete way to show the success of your strategy, they might use an infographic. Other social media strategists use infographics to make a commentary about the different ways that people use social media, and how it affects their ROI. Here are 10 of the most interesting.”

The article seeks to abolish the common misconception marketers have about traditional mediums and the internet and how the usual method of assessing ROI do not work. Further the infographic also debunks the common social media marketing ROI myths. Some of the infographics in this post bring forward useful stats that will further emphasize the importance of measuring the returns on the social media investments. Many of the infographics featured in the list use real examples of well-known and successful brands and businesses to drive the importance of the point even further.

Top Ten Social Media is a website that is dedicated to bring its readers Social Media Trends, Social Media News and Social Media for business. To read the full post please visit:

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