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Friday, February 7, 2014 Launches Drive To Support LGBT Rights At The Sochi 2014 Olympics

MyQualityConnection hopes to raise awareness of LGBT rights during the Olympics through the sharing of images on social media.

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, February 7, 2014, With the upcoming 2014 Olympic Games quickly approaching, there is a heightened concern for not only the general safety of the athletes, but also for the specific safety and mental wellbeing for the participating LGBT Athletes. Knowing that Russia is not a particularly friendly place for the LGBT community, MyQualityConnection has launched an awareness drive to help keep this issue in the forefront.

MyQualityConnection is asking everybody to share and post this image as their Profile Photo on their Facebook page as well as other social media. It is no secret that Russia does not support the rights of the LGBT community, and this should be brought to light so that the public can create some support over the Internet through Social Media. Networking is the quickest way to spread a message over the entire planet, and this is an attempt to harness some of that power.

MyQualityConnection is unique in that not only is it a dating site for the LGBT community, it is also a networking site. Management has been active in supporting the rights of the LGBT community for quite some time, and is donating 50% of the six-month subscription fee to LGBT Charitable Organizations. The website was created to be easy to navigate, and deliver a pleasant web experience. Like minded singles visit this site to meet and greet with quality singles from their local communities.

The site bursted onto the New York LGBT Singles scene and quickly earned traction, with new members joining every day. Site members can be matched to their criteria and preferences automatically, or just browse through the member profiles to find that perfect match. Where MyQualityConnection departs from the other Dating Sites is that their format includes a news feed so that people can see what’s going on around the site in terms of content sharing, and the ability to subscribe to other users. The site is Free to join, but offers an inexpensive Premium Plan with special features.

During a recent press conference, Charles Adams, Director of Community Outreach and Liaison to the Press, had this to say: "Here at we’re seriously worried about all of our Olympic athletes, but especially our LGBT athletes since the environment they are in is not a particularly friendly one. Awareness needs to be brought to this issue in order to help ensure their safety and support them as they embark on not only a physically grueling endeavor but a mental one as well. It’s unfortunate that they have not been left to only concentrate on their sport but to deal with the hostile feelings around them as well. Please use this image as your profile picture and spread it around to help show support."

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