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Monday, March 24, 2014

All are Encouraged to attend the Big CHAZAQ Event

 There are thousands of Jewish teenagers that have no Jewish education. They never experienced the beauty of Shabbos. They don’t know what tefillah is all about. They never heard a shiur on the parsha, let alone a shiur ingemara. To them, life is about now. There is no Olam Haba.

   Who are these boys and girls? Where do they live? Minnesota? Haifa? Tel Aviv? Unfortunately, they are in our very own backyards. Thousands of them are here in Queens, New York, losing their Jewish identity before our very own eyes. What are we doing to save our fellow Jews? What if one of them was your relative; a brother, sister or even your own child? Would you want him or her to be forgotten? Wouldn’t you go the extra mile to bring them back to Hashem and guide them to a life of purpose?

   As is well known, CHAZAQ has had the siyata dishmaya in inspiring thousands of members of the Queens community (and beyond) via their year round shiurim benefiting men and women of all ages and backgrounds. What is not known, however, is the tireless work the young men and women from the CHAZAQ staff dedicate into guiding Jewish boys and girls that attend local public schools. Thanks to their dedication, hundreds of teenagers have been given the opportunity to learn about their rich Jewish heritage. They have been given the chance to experience the beauty ofShabbos. They are learning about tefillah. They get to hear a shmuz on the parsha. They are delving into the depths of gemara. They now realize that life is not just about now. There is an Olam Haba.

   All this is great but we are not nearly done. There are still thousands of Jewish boys and girls that are left behind….right here in our own backyards.

   Now, you too can help bring them back home.

   On Sunday night, March 30th, CHAZAQ will host a community wide event featuring leading Rabbonim together with world renowned speakers, who will tackle the major issues that face the Jewish community today: Shidduch crisis,Shalom bayis problems, dangers of the internet, and more.

   Tickets for this special CHAZAQ event begin at $25. However, your entrance fee isn’t just to attend these wonderfulshiurim. Rather it makes you a partner in CHAZAQ’s tremendous work in bringing Jewish teenagers back home. ‘Kol Yisrael Areivim Zeh LaZeh’, the Jewish people are bound to each other and are responsible for one another. This is especially true when these fellow Jews are in our own backyards. May we all be zoche to see the ge-ula shleimah bimhera, Amen!


Yours truly,

Rabbi Ilan Meirov and Rabbi Yitzchak Oelboum


Tickets can be purchased by calling: 917-617-3636646-541-6833, Email or visit You can also buy your tickets on our new payment site


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