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Monday, April 28, 2014

Chic Marketing by Grammar Chic, Inc. Investigates the Rift Between Advertising and Content Marketing

As the editor-in-chief of Chic Marketing by Grammar Chic, Inc., Amanda E. Clark notices a rift between content marketing and traditional advertising.

An article recently published on Forbes stole the attention of Amanda E. Clark, editor-in-chief and CEO of Grammar Chic, Inc. The piece explores content marketing, a service offered by the Chic Marketing branch of Clark’s company.

“The thing everyone should know, whether they market for a business or are a business that outsources marketing, is that content marketing is much different than advertising,” Clark said. “Advertising boils down to flash and flair, that one-in-a-hundred chance that a consumer will recognize an ad, remember it, and possibly make a purchase. Content, on the other hand, is a long-term game that acts on multiple levels.”

Chic Marketing specializes in Web content, blogging, social media, and general writing for businesses. Outsourcing is an increasingly popular way for small- to mid-sized businesses to alleviate the stress of constant social media contact and writing.

According to the aforementioned article, traditional advertisers attempt to expose the same messaging concept several times to an audience. This creates an impression on the average consumer, convincing him or her to choose one brand over another. Content marketing, however, requires a broad approach to advertising and often stays away from what marketers would call “advertorial campaigning.”

“Content marketing is all about consistent quality,” Clark said. “We utilize different tools and strategies to maximize a brand’s outreach and grow social media fan bases, website traffic, and other online assets. With the right systems in place, we’re able to push the occasional ‘ad-heavy’ message into the mix that gains notice from followers. Because of the platforms we use, we are better positioned to track the success of every campaign and see how well each piece of content performs."

One of the goals of content marketing is growing a brand into an authoritative entity. The article calls these brands “thought leaders,” otherwise known as the answer to a person’s online question. This, combined with search engine optimization and other techniques, brings a company on the radar of the consumer. To grow this exposure, companies seek out content marketers like Clark to write blog posts, grow social media, and optimize online assets.

Unlike advertising, content marketing is seldom used for quick turnaround campaigning. With the right planning, though, Clark said it is more than feasible for the average content company to work brand messaging and promotions into editorial plans to slowly expose an idea to followers.

“Content campaigning is a long-term, quality-driven way to market,” Clark said. “More than two-thirds of every business in the country utilizes content in some capacity — many of these outsource to experts who work side-by-side with clients to maximize a campaign’s success.”

The article calls content marketing an investment. Online assets do not disappear nor do they deteriorate with the right strategy. With the right system in place, Clark said content culminates into an everlasting campaign that constantly grows a brand’s online presence and marketing power.


A professional writing company located in Charlotte, North Carolina, Chic Marketing by Grammar Chic, Inc. is passionate about helping its clients shine through superior content. The team employs all in-house, American writers who are seasoned and adept in content marketing, social media marketing, Web content writing, blogging and more. Grammar Chic’s CEO, Amanda E. Clark, is a nationally known thought leader in digital marketing and copywriting. To learn more about Grammar Chic, Inc. and the services it offers, visit Interested individuals are invited to "like" the company's Facebook page and follow @GrammarChicInc on Twitter. 

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Company Name: Chic Marketing
Contact Person: Amanda E. Clark
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Phone: 803-831-7444
Country: United States