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Friday, April 25, 2014

Recent Survey Highlights the Worst Performing DMVs in the Country is an online resource designed to help simplify the Department of Motor Vehicles helps millions of people receive the information and services that they need quickly and easily

The Best and Worst of America’s State DMVs, a guide for Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and driving related issues, has released results from a recent survey that compares customer satisfaction at the state DMVs. Customers were asked about their satisfaction with 7 different DMV service categories including the quality of online service, telephone service, in-person customer service, accessibility, wait times, cost of service, and overall performance. Each state was then ranked from best to worst in overall customer satisfaction.

The states with the best customer satisfaction rankings are Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, California, and Alabama. Interestingly, the California DMV ranks among the 5 best states, despite its recent credit card breach. The worst ranking states are Texas, Massachusetts, Connecticut, South Carolina, and Oregon. A full list of state rankings can be seen on the National DMV Satisfaction Survey results page.

In addition to state rankings, the survey indicates somenational trends. Among all state DMVs, customers who are satisfied with the DMV’s location and office hours tend to have the highest levels of overall satisfaction with the DMV. Online services, on the other hand, areless important to drivers. The availability of online DMV services has very little impact on overall customer satisfaction.

The National DMV Satisfaction Survey builds on a previous analysis conducted by, which compares wait times at the DMV across states. The DMV Wait Time Study, which was released in February, explains that the average American will have to wait in line for 34 minutes before receiving service at the DMV. An analysis of these two studies reveals that while satisfaction with wait times at the DMV is an important factor in overall customer satisfaction, actual wait times are not. There is almost no relationship between state wait times, and satisfaction with wait times.

The study took place over a 10-month period and took 7 customer service categories into consideration. Each category was assigned a weight, which was used to calculate an overall score and rank each state. Overall performance was given the greatest weight, while all other categories were weighted equally. Individuals looking for more information are encouraged to visit the full study.

About is an online resource designed to help simplify the Department of Motor Vehicles. As a private company, helps millions of people receive the information and services that they need quickly and easily. is a privately owned website that is not affiliated with any government agencies.

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