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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Astral Poly Technik Once Again Delivers a Robust Top-Line & PAT Growth of 31% & 30% Respectively for the Financial Year 2013-2014

Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 04 May 2014. Astral Poly Technik Limited, pioneer & leaders in manufacturing of CPVC pipes & fittings announced the financial results for the year ended on 31st March, 2014. 

Overview of Q4 FY 2013-14 v/s Q4 FY 2012-13:

  • Company’s sales from operations increased by 29% to Rs.3,369.59 Mn against Rs. 2,611.00 Mn in the previous year same quarter. (On full year basis Sales has increased by 31% from Rs. 8,209.21 Mn to Rs. 10,727.99 Mn).
  • EBITA has increased to Rs. 511.69 Mn as against Rs. 465.77 Mn in the previous year same quarter (On full year basis EBITA has increased by 37% from Rs. 1,135.71 Mn to  Rs. 1,557.48 Mn). 
  • PBT has increased to Rs. 409.3 Mn for the quarter as against Rs. 392.42 Mn in the previous year same quarter (On full year basis PBT has increased by 30% from Rs. 779.15 Mn to Rs. 1,013.77 Mn). 
  • Profit After Tax (PAT) has decreased to Rs. 277.85 Mn for the quarter as against Rs. 292.15 Mn in the previous year same quarter due to provisioning of MTM losses at the year on account of exchange fluctuation. (On full year basis PAT has increased by 30% from Rs. 595.20 Mn to Rs. 772.05 Mn). 
  • The Company has reported an Earning per Share (EPS) of Rs. 4.94 for the current quarter (On Rs.2/- Paid up Shares). (On a full year basis company has delivered an EPS of Rs.13.74 an increase of 30%) 
  • The Company has recommended Final Dividend of Rs. 0.40 (20%) per equity share of Rs. 2/- each in addition to an Interim Dividend of Rs. 0.25 (12.50%) per equity share.


The company continues to maintain its growth momentum in spite of lots of slow down in the economy. Company is having confident to maintain its growth momentum in coming years also because company has launched lots of new products which has sizeable business opportunity in India and Export Market.

During the year under review company has increased its production capacity to 97,164 M.T. from 77,212 M.T. (An increase of 26%).

During the year company has utilized its capacity to the tune of 60,400 M.T. as against the last year’s 49,495 M.T. which shows a growth of 22% in volume. During the last quarter which is the peak quarter for the company, it has utilized capacity to the tune of 17,962 M.T. compare to last year similar quarter 15,218 MT which shows a growth of 18% in volumes.

During the year company has booked Foreign Exchange loss of Rs. 269.03 Mn on account of depreciation of rupee which includes Rs. 10.90 Mn towards unrealized loss on outstanding foreign currency liabilities.

During the FY 2013-14 Advanced Adhesives Limited (Subsidiary of Astral which Manufacture Solvant/Adhesive) has done a Sale of Rs.229.85 Mn against last year Rs. 123.84 Mn. Which shows a growth of 85%.

The Kenya JV company has also shown 34% topline growth during the current year and company has increased it capacity to double from 3000 MT to 6000 MT.

To view the Quarterly results, please click on the link given below:

Quarterly Financial Results -

Media Contact
Company Name: Astral Poly Technik Limited
Contact Person: Mr. Hiranand Savlani - CFO
Email:Send Email
Phone: +91-079-66212000
Address:207/1, Astral House, B/h. Rajpath Club, Off. S. G. Highway
City: Ahmedabad
State: Gujarat
Country: India