An important difference exists between buying something and being sold that same something. Take insurance for example:When a policy is sold to an individual, the agent, who is hardly an unbiased participant, presents the policy and its merits with the motivation of selling the product. Whether the sale takes place, often has more to do with the sales expertise of the agent than the quality of the product they are selling or its relevance to those to who it is being sold.
Buying something implies the customer is in charge and directing his or her own financial decisions. When a consumer buys an insurance policy rather than being sold a policy, they are an active participant in the transaction. They shop for the policy that best meets their needs as opposed to the policy that will best suit the needs of the agent or insurance company being sold to them.
A degree of self education is necessary such as doing suggested reading to search for the best policy for the individual and his or her family; however, it is worth the little extra effort. Ultimately it comes down to who has the consumer's best interest at heart, a company and its agent trying to make a sale or the consumer.
Company Name: Abraham Enterprises
Contact Person: David Abraham
Email:Send Email
Phone: 800-351-5976
Country: United States
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