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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lyrics Feast Releases new infographic on Sounds Effects on the Psyche and Culture

Embracing The Sounds of Music
5 Amazing benefits of music exposure

A new infographic recently released by Lyrics Feast celebrates the sounds of music. The world is alive with the sound of music in every culture across the globe. It has been this way since prehistoric man first banged rocks and sticks together and grunted incoherent vocalizations to the beat.

In this way, music probably had a lot to do with the formations of the first languages; as when a baby’s disjointed cries and mumbles eventually form ramblings we begin to understand. If you listen closely, an infant’s first vocalizations actually carry a beat. They are also accompanied by quite a bit of banging on things, especially if there are pots and pans in the general vicinity.

No matter the lyrics, music is the one unifying language that resonates solidarity across the world. Very little tugs on the heartstrings and emotions more than a well-crafted melody. puts it this way: “Music is universal. It exists in all cultures and societies. It is rooted deep in the minds (or souls) of human beings as an aura of some sort, a transcendent force that breaks the barriers of race, sex, religion, culture, attitude, and more.” The perfect melody not only eases the mind it, can be good for your health.

The infographic depicts the health benefits of music in five basic ways. First, music elevates mood and triggers emotion in the same ways as many antidepressant drugs. Music directly affects the chemicals in our brain that are responsible for emotional responses. Many people play music while working to keep them focused on their tasks.

Additionally, music can actually help people with brain damage that has left them unable to communicate. Patients with left-side brain damage who are unable to communicate are often able to sing words, instead. Music recognition thrives on the right side of the brain and research patients were able to train the brain to move left side language functions to the right side by associating music with language.

Similarly, music has been shown in limited studies to reduce seizures. Piano music by Mozart was shown to reduce seizure-causing activity in the brain within five minutes of musical exposure. By reducing cortisol levels, a chemical in your brain that causes you to feel stress, music can also help boost your immune system.

Lastly, medical practitioners have found that music restores “lost” memories in patients, including those in the latter stages of dementia. Music engages many areas of the brain in both left and right hemispheres. It also engages the hippocampus, a region of the brain that’s responsible for long-term memory storage. Music has been shown to stimulate brain activity more than any other methods.

Distributed by Iterate LLC

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