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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Top 4 Driving Distractions Infographic Released by Insurance Hotline

Top 4 Admitted Driving Distractions
New infographic uses "Game of Thrones" to remind people to be more aware of their driving habits.

Insurance Hotline has just published a follow up on their popular infographics on driving distractions. This one is based on the popular TV show called “Game of Thrones” and has a medieval theme. Driving distractions are dangerous when the weather is sunny and nice but when the weather turns to snow and ice the dangers increase exponentially. publishes the infographics as a public service to remind drivers of distractions that occur to everyone daily while driving. Motorists need to take special care on the roads, especially when the weather turns inclement. The infographic is humorous and satiristic but the subject is no joke.

Whether you are riding your horse or driving a vehicle it is important to pay attention to what you are doing and avoid becoming complacent. Hopefully while you are driving along you will think of the infographic, smile and become more aware of your surroundings.

The Driving Distractions Infographic is based on a recent national survey conducted by that found that even when it is snowing 56 percent of Canadians admit to speeding 10 km above the speed limit. This is a very dangerous combination, especially when snow begins to accumulate. The worst part is while driving people often become hypnotized by the falling snow and less aware of the situation they are in.

Another common distraction is eating or drinking while driving. Forty-nine percent of drivers openly admit to eating and drinking a beverage while driving to save time. This can be distracting in many ways from glancing more at the food you are eating than the road ahead to spilling the food on your shirt or lap and paying more attention to cleaning it up than what you are supposed to be doing – driving a vehicle. Not to mention you are going to get your horse hungry and he/she will not perform as well.

Then of course, there is texting while driving, which is becoming a widespread accident-causing phenomenon. Hopefully you are not stupid enough to be doing that while you are trotting along, but 13 percent of people admitted to doing it, although the actual figure is probably a lot higher.

Speaking of stupid, the infographic and survey also found that people with a higher salary (and supposedly higher intelligence) seemed to be at a higher risk of an accident due to their carelessness. So see the infographic for a friendly reminder and try to be more situationally aware, no matter what type of weather you are driving or riding in.

Distributed by Iterate LLC

Media Contact
Company Name:Insurance Hotline
Contact Person: Benjamin Wrights
Phone: 4157669098
City: Toronto
State: Ontario
Country: Canada